Outside of work, I moonlight as a podcast host / producer / editor. At work, I worked at part of the team promoting the shows of the MTV Podcast Network. I've also been trained on audio reporting and storytelling at NYU's School of Professional Studies, with former NPR / Marketplace reporter Daniel Bobkoff.



Currently, I am co-hosting and producing / editing Enter The Voidwhich is a movie podcast I make with my co-host (and friend and former colleague) William Beutler

The podcast exclusively focuses on surreal, mind-bending cult films. We've recorded over 60 episodes to date. You can read more about it at enterthevoid.fm, @enterthepod on Twitter, or on Facebook


Prior to Enter The Void, Bill and I produced a short-run limited series called Kubrickcast, devoted to analyzing each of the films of Stanley Kubrick.

It wasn't really *that* short; we recorded about three dozen episodes, including five on 2001: A Space Odyssey. You can find all the episodes at kubrickcast.com

KubrickCast 400.jpg



At MTV, I also helped contribute to the [now-defunct] podcast network, which included shows like North Mollywood, Speed Dial, Lady Problems, and the Rookie podcast, featuring Tavi Gevinson.

While the bulk of the hosting / producing / editing was handled by journalists and audio professionals, I was closely integrated into the promotional and planning process for each of the shows, including Rookie, which at its peak had over 85,000 downloads.